Program Overview

Two days a week our students spend six hours a day on campus covering a variety of subjects while having plenty of time for play and prioritizing time outdoors. Our Aspen program is on Mondays and Tuesdays and our Birch program is on Thursdays and Fridays. The other three days are spent at home completing assignments that focus at a minimum on reading, writing, and math practice in short, interactive, customized lessons with the parent. Weekly emails from our teachers give suggestions and pacing for home days.

SchooL days

During the school day, students begin the morning with circle time with Bible, prayer, a hymn, and artist or composer study. The morning academics will then focus on reading, writing and math.

The afternoon includes science and nature study, history, the arts and is always based on living books and experience as opposed to facts and texts. Students have time for free play during recess and always enjoy outdoor adventures during Field Study.

We work our schedule to allow our students time to play, socialize, and move while also training them to give good attention for short lessons in order to maximize their learning. 

home days

The other three days of the week are spent at home, focusing at a minimum on literacy and math skills. By using our curriculum, we can give parents the assignments their children need to complete on the home days. There is flexibility on home days in that parents can customize their lessons to fit their child's learning style: some students enjoy completing worksheets while others learn better with an auditory, tactile, or kinesthetic approach to the material. Home days give parents a chance to be involved in their child's education, tailor the lessons to their child's needs, and help provide continuity between school and home days.

For kindergartners, we suggest simply enjoying good books, studying other topics you and your child enjoy, and playing outside.  For older students, we recommend that you incorporate weekly history, geography, spelling, grammar, and literature and we will will provide lists of resources for these subjects. Middle school students will be given assignments to complete in some subjects.