Special Education Policy

We currently are not prepared to adequately support and meet the educational needs of children that require significant support beyond general education.  However, we are willing to work with families to implement supports within our abilities that would accommodate students.

Because we are a hybrid program, there is significantly more opportunity to customize to each child on the days at home. Additionally, because we have small class sizes, short lessons, and time for activity and play, many issues with attention and activity which many young children experience can be resolved through our hybrid model and learning approach.  A slower- or faster-than-average learner can be accommodated with individualized instruction on home days and on school days through the ability to move between the grade levels for reading, writing, and math classes.

We strive to avoid labels and simply encourage each child to be challenged from his or her current level and work hard and celebrate each success for him or her.

If your child has a special needs diagnosis, we require that you meet with us so that we can determine if and how we can help meet your child’s needs through our hybrid program. There is a spot on the application for you to let us know if there is a need, and we will follow up with you to gather more detailed information. If your child qualifies for a TSS and would thrive with extra support, we require that an assigned TSS be in place in order for your child to attend our program. If there is a lapse in support from the TSS, it is the parents’ responsibility to ensure their child has the necessary accommodations in order for their child to come to school. This may mean that you as their parent attend school with them in order to serve as the absent TSS.​ We do expect all parents to champion for the needs and rights of their child(ren).  It is not in PHA’s purview to acquire outside resources/supports for our students.  If parents are not willing to provide/gain outside supports that will help their child(ren) to thrive in our program, then PHA has the right to terminate its services.